deleted 5.9.20 - Q - Obama was Behind it All - The Traitor Will Go to Prison

from Dustin Nemos



@00:12:58 those guys when mccabe was a bad guy all


@00:29:20 guess no-name assist us mccain assisted
@00:29:25 senator stamp credible so no-name mccain


@00:20:46 and and china as part of it you know

Human trafficking

@00:25:15 made in regards to human trafficking i
@00:25:44 stream recently but my own human
@00:25:46 trafficking reporter at the nemo's news
@00:26:02 she was working on some case with human
@00:26:04 trafficking and she was talking about


@00:42:58 secret meetings with iran and tells them


@00:00:07 my diy coronavirus haircut now there's
@00:20:10 the second wave of coronavirus worse


@00:22:00 was out to them 41:53 crowdstrike


@00:23:21 trafficking among the clinton foundation
@00:25:15 made in regards to human trafficking i
@00:25:46 trafficking reporter at the nemo's news
@00:26:04 trafficking and she was talking about


@00:40:21 soros hussein hillary clinton so we have
@00:40:25 an alliance between soros hillary and
@00:40:55 people like soros donated billions of


@00:15:03 free speech rally or antifa tried to


@00:12:17 was the dirty cop comey and what i fired
@00:12:44 states when i fired comey because he was
@00:31:24 instruct comey pr1 drop all charges so


@00:10:12 immediately jeff sessions was a disaster
@00:37:51 so doj push sessions recused to the doj
@00:37:55 one in sessions to recuse in sessions
@00:38:02 i'm not gonna say sessions was
@00:38:09 suspect that sessions got cold feet and

William Barr

@00:10:00 you if bill barr was your first attorney
@00:15:59 criminate bill barr uh-oh folks here's
@00:16:03 they're gonna go after a g bar here we
@00:44:15 coming we all know ag bar is cracking

Deep state

@00:01:52 the deep state and none of them have any
@00:13:37 out the deep state that's been one of
@00:20:42 fear this is the deep state reacting no
@00:27:47 in the deep state you know i'm starting
@00:32:20 the fbi and these deep state swamp
@00:32:51 to win them over so deep state i'm sorry
@00:32:55 deep cover operatives crossed
@00:34:57 versus the deep state and the democrats


@00:02:12 twitter message and q says be ready to
@00:05:13 twitter message let's check it out
@00:17:52 we have a twitter message and q says all
@00:19:08 check out the twitter john murder hornet
@00:25:12 i've seen them on twitter backtrack on
@00:43:58 we have a twitter message we have q sank


@00:20:23 like 5g now this guy says john says if

Seth Rich

@00:23:00 with seth rich okay that's the meme if
@00:23:03 you haven't heard it his name was seth
@00:23:04 rich he's the reason for trump rush of
@00:24:29 seth rich then handed it off to someone
@00:24:32 in wikileaks wikileaks published seth
@00:24:36 wikileaks published versus seth rich 187
@00:24:42 seth rich was murdered to cover this op
@00:26:39 the ones who killed seth rich you know
@00:27:04 out probably seth rich and then ms-13 to

Pizza gate

@00:23:16 wikileaks and now we know about pizza
@00:23:18 gate now we know about the pedophilia


@00:29:00 so um dossier primary vehicle fisa
@00:39:00 instructing mueller target fisa one to


@00:15:22 him responding to adam schiff flynn pled
@00:36:05 said first we f flynn then we f trump
@00:43:02 okay but if general flynn talks to

Five Eyes

@00:33:54 assists cia pull down umbrella spy five
@00:34:06 the five eyes countries using other


@00:38:00 things right he did get huber started


@00:01:17 is proof that had trump colluded with
@00:04:04 proof i you know i'm a little bit more
@00:04:10 consider this a cue proof the reasoning
@00:04:33 hey i don't think it's a q proof i think
@00:39:46 they come after you you'll need proof

Timothy Holmseth

@00:08:51 we can't have people like timothy home