deleted Live: Is a Military Coup / Mutiny Taking Place TONIGHT?!

from Dustin Nemos



@00:42:44 so castle rock stephen king durham main
@00:42:49 durham investigation okay


@00:40:07 china dick oh yeah so bannon is talking
@00:40:09 about china and then he's bashing them
@00:40:12 with with a mutiny here unless china


@00:31:32 least around coronavirus so you know i


@00:23:51 summer yeah kasey it is the soros is

Deep state

@00:04:37 in this is the deep state versus trump
@00:04:44 the deep state traders will go down for
@00:07:55 the deep state and the left who will try
@00:12:44 up with the deep state that's where
@00:13:49 between him in the deep state a wall of
@00:17:04 coordination with the deep state and
@00:21:46 mutiny with the deep state against our
@00:28:04 warning us right paul revere the deep
@00:28:09 state is coming the deep state is coming
@00:28:28 deep state lindsey graham is useless all
@00:30:23 the deep state would know it and of
@00:33:47 military deep state military coup


@00:00:54 twitter now for release for a while i
@00:00:58 so i'm gonna share again on twitter and
@00:06:48 our red one potus is twitter removal if
@00:06:52 they take him off twitter i'm assuming
@00:06:58 sand is if they ban him from twitter to
@00:11:06 on twitter by the way just brutally but
@00:26:47 one polish twitter removal and hold the
@00:47:41 potus twitter removal red to central


@00:05:25 delta kind of thing or three-year delta
@00:05:27 to your delta stuff so we have here


@00:09:57 being a potential pedophile mixed up
@00:10:21 pedophile as a serious thing without


@00:35:57 probably by now multiple many fisa court
@00:36:07 actually have reasons to get a fisa