People Are Beginning To Be Herded Into Deradicalization Centers In Europe - Episode 1077b

from X22Report



@00:24:28 in russia china north korea and we can


@00:22:59 instead of going after russia and iran
@00:24:20 finally end up in iran and capture iran

false flag

@00:12:28 a false flag they'd have to create an

North Korea

@00:10:05 north korea every time north korea does
@00:10:17 north korea yes they do test no nuclear
@00:10:32 bombers over the border of south korea
@00:10:35 north korea very close to north korea to
@00:10:39 try to provoke north korea and north
@00:10:41 korea said yeah not not really a big
@00:10:59 everyone that north korea is saying that
@00:11:08 just think about this for a second north
@00:11:11 korea who's just developing their
@00:11:57 retaliates with 30 of them and north
@00:12:02 korea does not exist anymore so this
@00:12:09 convince everyone that north korea is
@00:12:17 and most likely north korea is going to
@00:12:31 incident where it looks like north
@00:12:36 set it up and then they'll blame north
@00:12:37 korea just like when sony was hacked
@00:12:46 no it was north korea of course as we
@00:24:28 in russia china north korea and we can