Q: "Would you believe Hussein tried to call Kim prior to the Summit? "

from Truth and Art TV


Deep state

@00:02:43 to the globalists and the deep state
@00:03:00 good news for the deep state so big big
@00:07:47 all the democrats and the deep state all
@00:10:26 deep state this war is very real and
@00:10:31 the deep state that was intercepted who
@00:17:08 mossad the deep state mossad and the cia


@00:16:24 twitter and these lurkers that are
@00:16:39 to shut these people off on twitter and
@00:17:51 but here people are afraid on twitter

Red october

@00:06:47 the world turns red october so this is
@00:06:51 again red october having to do with a
@00:11:32 about the right here this red october
@00:11:42 this old drop here and of course red
@00:11:46 october is a movie about a submarine

North Korea

@00:01:33 never gave up on north korea and he was
@00:01:56 obama tried to get obama to visit north
@00:01:58 korea and kim jong-un obama what did he
@00:02:07 have something to say from north korea
@00:05:26 thing with kim jeong-hoon in north korea
@00:07:01 were removed from north korea that is
@00:09:50 either a missile from north korea that


@00:08:23 hueber coming john huber and this whole


@00:05:32 future-proof pass example so two big
@00:06:49 future proof