deleted Why do the MSM keep showing us Fake Video technology

from Dustin Nemos



@00:09:58 they're building a map if you've seen it


@00:09:30 crimes with things like uranium one at


@00:14:42 laure silsbee jeffrey epstein it just

Human trafficking

@00:14:31 you know trafficking of human and
@00:14:39 child trafficking and you'll be amazed


@00:14:31 you know trafficking of human and
@00:14:39 child trafficking and you'll be amazed

Deep state

@00:06:00 deep state war between good guys and the
@00:09:20 exposing everything going on in the deep
@00:09:23 state with mccabe's and commis and
@00:12:21 overthrow the deep state and drain the
@00:14:12 in fact it just seems to be a deep state


@00:02:32 they said five minutes later on twitter
@00:11:51 like he's just copying trump's twitter
@00:11:53 trump is copying his twitter okay
@00:13:07 twitter calling out things and just

false flag

@00:13:45 false flag attacks in syria where


@00:05:21 he was a pedophile and his laptop which

Pizza gate

@00:07:59 another pizza gate which was never
@00:08:07 the pizza place which killed all the


@00:06:53 operation mockingbird and others you

North Korea

@00:03:00 air force one flying over north korea


@00:11:29 evidence and proof that is still kind of