2.6 - Memo Fallout/Media in Panic/Black Project Tech Slowly Coming Into Open

from Destroying the Illusion


Las Vegas

@00:14:42 selling armour piercing ammo to the las
@00:14:45 vegas shooter so we reported on this
@00:14:52 in the las vegas massacre and this
@00:15:34 behind this las vegas shooting so it
@00:15:48 selling armor-piercing ammo to the las
@00:15:49 vegas shooter but of course in this


@00:07:18 names out there comey warner brennan and
@00:07:38 these names brennan clapper we'll talk
@00:07:40 about brennan in a minute here but
@00:12:57 directly from the cia x director brennan
@00:13:00 hired by nbc remember brennan being


@00:09:33 rothschild soros clinton marriage for


@00:07:18 names out there comey warner brennan and
@00:12:45 they can use meet obama gait comey

Deep state

@00:02:58 deep state people are just gonna
@00:04:33 expose everything the deep state has
@00:13:21 in the in the deep state so they're
@00:17:50 feeding the deep state yada yada


@00:13:30 going to work for the mockingbird media


@00:03:17 saying the fisa memo is only phase one
@00:03:27 fisa wiretapping issues and whatnot but

Five Eyes

@00:03:32 eyes on them and not only that but check
@00:03:38 drop five more memos exposing


@00:08:25 news rothschild estate sale black forest
@00:09:33 rothschild soros clinton marriage for
@00:09:39 rothschild and let's see lots of other