Brilliant!- Game Theory 101 In Action As Patriots Play Dems!

from Truth and Art TV


William Barr

@00:15:34 general nominee bill barr january 15th
@00:16:35 afraid barr is not that guy coming out
@00:16:41 william barr that exactly that is
@00:16:57 because it says bill bar is already

Deep state

@00:03:57 for the deep state but we're gonna learn
@00:04:24 and you know the deep state and the
@00:08:47 satanists these globalists these deep
@00:08:51 state operatives these criminals don't
@00:16:02 him out there in front of the deep state
@00:18:31 released to date does the deep state
@00:18:49 affair why are the only deep state fbi
@00:21:05 for the deep state and the left and with

false flag

@00:23:52 one of them here if you see a false flag

Inspector General

@00:17:40 inspector general report reveals


@00:10:51 of the gate saying mexico is paying for


@00:25:20 then draw a line there new topic flynn
@00:25:47 here so all of this is relevant to flynn