U.S. Free Syrian Army & U.S. Created Islamic State Working Together To Remove Assad - Episode 464

from X22Report



@00:13:54 efforts where china russia and china are
@00:14:39 protecting itself china is protecting
@00:14:52 to contain china and they see that you
@00:19:10 fighting pretty much china down there
@00:19:13 china is on one side united states
@00:19:15 central bankers on the other and china
@00:19:29 announced to the public yet china began
@00:20:11 now china is moving in with forces and
@00:20:19 china bringing in more troops into this
@00:20:46 china it is russia so it's going to
@00:25:09 course as we know russia china north
@00:29:00 law including china he said so we can
@00:35:23 china they understand the dollar their
@00:35:39 with china making arrangements with
@00:39:57 that russia and china are on the other
@00:41:32 blame it on china that will give them


@00:20:41 the players are all the same it is iran


@00:27:08 youtube video and twitter and this is
@00:34:52 threatening twitter right now for
@00:34:57 twitter i guess took them down and said

false flag

@00:02:36 know that was a complete false flag and
@00:06:08 false flag event but putin stepped in
@00:26:55 false flag where he snuck his soldiers

North Korea

@00:20:43 it is syria it is north korea it is
@00:25:09 course as we know russia china north
@00:25:12 korea they're all going to get involved

Saudi Arabia

@00:35:18 to saudi arabia but we have to
@00:35:19 understand something about saudi arabia
@00:35:56 we know what it already says that saudi
@00:35:58 arabia brought down the towers but we
@00:36:08 kept saudi arabia in their back pocket
@00:36:16 threatening saudi arabia at this time