In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon 4.12.18

from In Pursuit of Truth



@00:19:06 nomination and senator john mccain will


@00:02:18 china
@00:07:41 hawkish on russia and china believing
@00:18:04 business connected to china that's the
@00:18:54 for oil in china okay and we don't know
@00:30:17 the hour 12 facebook building a china


@00:26:24 by iran in the region let me read that
@00:26:29 posed by iran in the region the civil
@00:26:50 don't get anywhere without iran is i
@00:27:08 remember cue said iran is next okay now


@00:36:17 punish websites for sex trafficking u.s.
@00:36:25 sex trafficking and chipping away at a
@00:36:35 sex trafficking victims to sue social
@00:36:46 facilitated sex trafficking the signing


@00:12:23 some indictments and that former


@00:07:25 general jeff sessions according to a
@00:07:35 department advising mr. sessions on

William Barr

@00:20:38 plane tickets bar the email sent and

Deep state

@00:19:22 these deep state folks okay they start


@00:03:02 or excuse me think ray chandler twitter
@00:03:36 twitter we know sarah carter she's good
@00:10:38 trump's twitter it says today russia
@00:10:58 like this on twitter and it's incredible
@00:36:09 chandler twitter etc honey pots whoo
@00:38:03 nailed twitter jack dorsey was gonna be


@00:09:43 proof okay so what i think is really