Qanon, Threats, Disinfo Be careful what you wish for #Qanon

from Citizens Investigative Report



@00:41:10 re-listen senator john mccain released a


@00:29:00 pretty much told us we have the map so


@00:01:42 know that the sex trafficking industry

Able Danger

@00:27:28 you know the latest i heard was able
@00:27:31 danger


@00:08:29 know we're gonna kill james comey i just
@00:12:56 james comey involving his interactions
@00:13:14 keeps the comey memos secret ridiculous
@00:14:19 remember when comey was hated by the
@00:14:33 saying fbi director james comey sprays
@00:14:42 this about director comey first this is
@00:15:15 different story now after comey notified


@00:20:32 is trust sessions enjoy the stuff show
@00:20:38 sessions trust sessions again and i know
@00:20:59 so trust sessions and then you can read
@00:22:34 sessions at the doj f ray at the fbi
@00:22:54 dealing with leakers sessions is and it
@00:23:13 made he said attorney general sessions
@00:23:40 sessions you're seeing ray and they're
@00:25:42 memo reinstate sessions authority memo
@00:26:32 sessions on all this and i think it's
@00:27:13 think sessions will be able to just

William Barr

@00:38:04 dude katie bar the door that's right

Military tribunals

@00:46:10 dude i'm ready for the military
@00:46:12 tribunals i'm ready i hope they i hope

Deep state

@00:11:44 obviously gop train crash deep state


@00:21:40 supposed to be on like twitter followed
@00:36:59 maria do keep up with twitter um kinda
@00:37:02 when i can i mean i have a twitter
@00:37:07 some stuff from twitter you sound like
@00:49:44 that one thing i'll check my twitter


@00:26:16 where gitmo would come in so my i made

false flag

@00:01:33 for us cuz i'm nervous of a false flag
@00:27:25 bowl possible false flag it's like i'm

Inspector General

@00:27:10 inspector general report coming so
@00:36:48 been released to any of the inspector
@00:36:50 general it might just be stuff the nsa


@00:13:24 the fisa warrant is tied to obama so
@00:13:36 fisa warrant in 2016 based on the phony
@00:14:08 says rudolph contreras was the fisa
@00:14:15 appointed contreras to the fisa court
@00:19:37 from the doj with the fisa court judge
@00:25:53 intel providing to the fisa judges and
@00:26:06 can we trust the fisa courts no we


@00:16:50 flynn on while they were listening to