[5.15] - Q: Honeypot Billboard/Flag-Firetruck Confirmation/ALL FOR A LARP?

from Destroying the Illusion



@00:00:35 iran john kerry we're gonna talk about

William Barr

@00:01:11 barr trying to throw shade her way
@00:01:21 speaking of roseanne barr check this out
@00:01:23 so on twitter yesterday roseanne barr
@00:09:00 for instance like roseanne barr she's

Deep state

@00:04:54 easily been deep state created to act as


@00:01:23 so on twitter yesterday roseanne barr

Pizza gate

@00:15:29 pedo gate pizza gate issues but very
@00:15:38 gating pizza gait disclosures find the

North Korea

@00:03:18 saudi arabia and north korea giving up


@00:10:42 michael flynn jr. michael flynn jr.
@00:11:08 michael flynn jr. tweeting that and then
@00:11:26 michael flynn michael flynn jr. they

Saudi Arabia

@00:03:18 saudi arabia and north korea giving up