Billions Are Shorting The Market In Preparation For The Financial Apocalypse - Episode 1284a

from X22Report



@00:11:48 countries russia china north korea


@00:08:40 there are others like george soros who
@00:08:50 and we know george soros he has insider
@00:09:20 else doesn't work and george soros right
@00:10:30 and we can see right now that soros
@00:10:58 now are through his family office soros

Deep state

@00:01:27 show why the deep state is so afraid and
@00:01:43 system comes down the deep state the
@00:09:07 everything that the deep state is doing
@00:10:53 and i'm talking about the deep state
@00:11:41 bank the problem is the deep state and
@00:13:08 going to include the deep state it's not
@00:13:13 bank now does the deep state want this

North Korea

@00:11:48 countries russia china north korea