De Blasio Drops Stunning Announcement As NYC Crime Explodes!!!

from Truth and Art TV



@00:02:17 get into some issues with china and you
@00:04:32 to dig deeper into china yeah they by
@00:04:46 folks do not forget that china
@00:12:28 china
@00:12:36 marxist revolution and what china won it
@00:18:16 china of coordinating this but now look
@00:19:02 of the us china relationship pretty much
@00:20:47 we are going to cover not only china but


@00:18:39 person-to-person transmission of corona


@00:02:22 report with jeff sessions remember it is
@00:20:50 we'll have the jeff sessions special

William Barr

@00:04:11 attorney general bar set today
@00:05:47 that attorney general bar is showing us

Deep state

@00:12:39 and what the deep state was
@00:14:23 end of story and the deep deep state and
@00:14:51 sledgehammer to the deep state god


@00:08:07 twitter account trump understands what
@00:08:23 he's putting it in his twitter
@00:08:25 twitter account and sean hannity is