Everything Is In Place To Break The [DS], Ratcliffe Locked On, Everything Is A Go - Episode 2183b

from X22Report



@00:33:45 uranium one clinton's emails and the


@00:02:31 corona virus they're dropping rapidly
@00:03:03 corona virus do a little bit of us of a
@00:26:17 corona virus pandemic can stand so what
@00:26:24 bill of rights until coronavirus is
@00:28:00 may 22nd there have been 249 coronavirus
@00:28:09 coronavirus as of today and remember
@00:29:19 coronavirus positive patients wait he


@00:14:44 individuals clapper brennan comey they


@00:07:07 shown by struck's response comey denied
@00:14:44 individuals clapper brennan comey they
@00:32:14 was not a mistake comey didn't do this

William Barr

@00:26:30 remember actually bill barr was out

Deep state

@00:00:41 everything is in place to break the deep
@00:00:44 state ratcliffe locked on everything is
@00:01:47 geopolitical news now the deep state the
@00:06:00 the mainstream media the deep state
@00:10:17 he eliminated was the deep state it was
@00:12:58 saying i have a chance to break the deep
@00:13:02 state he was doing an interview with
@00:13:19 have a chance to break the deep state
@00:31:21 understands the playbook of the deep
@00:31:23 state and he's prepared and ready to


@00:03:55 thrown off of twitter this is what trump
@00:06:31 is the twitter thread knew in a
@00:21:08 oh that twitter account i don't know how
@00:21:40 for twitter to censor trump this is what
@00:21:46 times is calling for twitter to sent to
@00:22:03 the new york times and says twitter must
@00:22:10 the platform maybe twitter should


@00:32:15 by the book they didn't get the fisa


@00:08:14 like flynn catherine herridge tweeted
@00:08:17 this out about flynn flynn read at mark
@00:11:26 michael flynn replaced fbi with od and i
@00:12:20 michael flynn and then russia ambassador
@00:14:21 flynn wasn't unmasked oh this didn't


@00:06:20 very interestingly undercover huber
@00:06:29 what undercover huber tweeted out this
@00:06:54 field offices would undercover huber