Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "Think logically."

from JustInformed Talk ™️



@00:00:02 has apple's decision to let china hold
@00:01:39 icloud keys in china and what does this
@00:03:36 countries on trade specifically china i
@00:03:39 guarantee you that china was the
@00:04:05 and is in china quote unquote
@00:04:33 the icloud keys to china now what would
@00:06:04 australia by china so on and so forth
@00:09:13 he has sent his financial team to china
@00:09:50 china you give china the chinese
@00:10:11 without a doubt it's china and not only
@00:10:14 is china the biggest analog intellectual
@00:11:46 china and open you up to the chinese
@00:12:06 that china has overtaken the eu in a
@00:12:20 now it's a hit over in china and the
@00:12:51 jump on the china train the globalist
@00:12:55 expect china to be the new dominant like
@00:13:01 been quoted as saying even that china is
@00:14:29 opinion so you have china mart i mean
@00:14:40 the keys to china and china then opens
@00:14:56 china right in china revenue rockets
@00:15:05 or three big stories that are in china
@00:15:14 have here you have the china tech
@00:15:43 in china they're trying they're
@00:16:23 optimistic about us-china relations and
@00:16:42 kingdom to china and now china's going
@00:18:38 how china treats us so well they're so
@00:18:53 give the keys to the kingdom to china so


@00:20:15 and a liner we know john brennan is a


@00:25:45 george soros who is i think third wife


@00:20:12 do know though we know comey is a leaker
@00:20:28 did james comey and then john brennan's
@00:23:22 as taking comey at his word who is
@00:24:01 now here's james comey latest tweet i
@00:26:05 that james comey so you know these


@00:03:11 what happened on trump's twitter account


@00:22:01 fisa court to sign off on tapping trump


@00:23:42 we don't have the exact proof yet