U.S. Just Shifted To Plan '?' To Remove Assad From Syria - Episode 820b

from X22Report



@00:04:57 and now we see out in china there is
@00:05:14 know that china is getting ready to have
@00:05:32 concerned of china of china having their

false flag

@00:13:30 us and we know this was a false flag but
@00:15:46 false flag attack this was to get the eu
@00:24:01 false flag event was put there and it
@00:25:22 false flag in france now he can use this
@00:28:48 information that the paris false flag
@00:29:16 after this false flag attack we don't

Saudi Arabia

@00:07:38 corrupt taking orders from saudi arabia
@00:08:42 saudi arabia is continually bombarding
@00:08:57 bombs to saudi arabia and the 22,000
@00:09:30 can see right now that saudi arabia is
@00:09:38 of this saudi arabia is a proxy army for
@00:23:00 talking to saudi arabia they're talking