Trump Strikes Back Against Pedophiles

from dnajlion7


Human trafficking

@00:00:49 arrests and human trafficking arrests
@00:01:01 human trafficking and child sex


@00:00:49 arrests and human trafficking arrests
@00:01:01 human trafficking and child sex
@00:01:03 trafficking and pedophiles yeah we
@00:01:33 and broken up more child sex trafficking
@00:10:20 trafficking okay so i do think that that


@00:00:46 difference in the amount of pedophile
@00:01:22 google the stories about the pedophile
@00:01:50 others and he's a pedophile and all the
@00:01:52 stuff you know guys know pedophile is
@00:03:46 pedophile so you know there's a lot of
@00:11:14 you know i expose him as a pedophile in


@00:02:02 proof you have one thirteen-year-old