deleted Qanon September 8, 2020 - History Repeats Itself

from prayingmedic



@00:00:38 and the iran deal


@00:06:15 kill george soros history
@00:06:43 background of george soros
@00:10:27 george soros accompanied his phony


@00:01:13 the modern day organization antifa and
@00:01:19 antifa the anti-fascist
@00:01:48 the german communist party and antifa
@00:02:22 the anti-fascist term that antifa used
@00:02:33 antifa
@00:03:08 modern day antifa as a lot of people
@00:03:23 antifa
@00:03:30 modern day antifa
@00:03:58 deployed by antifa
@00:04:41 antifa projects an anti-fascist platform
@00:05:00 socialism push antifa really is
@00:05:41 24-hour release of antifa rioters who


@00:07:04 what is operation mockingbird if you
@00:07:07 don't know what operation mockingbird is

North Korea

@00:09:30 some of all fears north korea potus
@00:09:48 north korea


@00:00:44 nsa admiral rogers general flynn there

Saudi Arabia

@00:00:40 foundation there's a chapter on saudi
@00:00:42 arabia we talk about