deleted Jim Willie & Dustin Nemos: Economy - Eurasian Market/Gold/Silver Overwhelm US Grip? Systemic Risk

from Dustin Nemos



@00:27:54 so we have kind of a rush of china
@00:27:56 venezuela and and i know china and do
@00:32:57 size of africa the united states china
@00:33:05 western europe china the united states
@00:35:47 initial belt between russia and china
@00:37:01 russia and china and pissed off of the
@00:44:02 ever go shopping from china lately i
@00:45:21 bolts hell no not from china or india i
@00:46:27 large volume in china what they do that

North Korea

@00:22:59 trump era maybe with north korea found
@00:23:10 north korea little-known that's never in

Saudi Arabia

@00:36:34 oil supply like an industrialized saudi
@00:36:37 arabia more they're gonna little known i