Authorization For War: Phase 1 Complete , Next Phase For Central Bankers War - Episode 589

from X22Report



@00:01:53 you out china right now is saying the
@00:02:21 into china china heard this and they
@00:16:11 china and russia they are pushing an
@00:19:04 north korea in iran in syria in china
@00:19:18 countries china is doing the same thing


@00:21:40 trying to redraw the map of europe well
@00:21:50 been redrawing the map of the middle
@00:22:01 is really redrawing the map of these


@00:19:04 north korea in iran in syria in china
@00:35:50 into iran and they want to pull russia

false flag

@00:20:27 what they staged a false flag event to
@00:20:42 false flag to pull them back in and we
@00:23:42 continue with peace or will be a false
@00:23:47 flag event in ukraine to push for

North Korea

@00:16:08 in north korea they're doing this now in
@00:19:04 north korea in iran in syria in china


@00:09:04 there this is proof this was a test this
@00:09:06 was proof that as you continually put