Durham Expands Probe Into Mueller Team Activities - Trump Hints Justice Coming!

from Truth and Art TV



@00:11:13 now as you can see john durham is moving
@00:11:35 over like it says here breaking durham


@00:12:59 this is why iran is not making a deal


@00:15:29 another comey and gang deal thank you to


@00:08:16 indictments we're not playing around

William Barr

@00:06:48 meeting of federal judges over bar and
@00:07:15 bar in the sentencing of roger stone and
@00:08:54 rumors attorney general bar is
@00:09:46 according to the official bar has no

Deep state

@00:00:59 complete failure of the deep state while
@00:06:45 deep state gets cold feet emergency
@00:08:42 this phony deep state meeting there you
@00:14:06 headline it's been 11 years and deep
@00:14:09 state fbi still won't turn over
@00:16:16 today yeah deep state is not gonna like
@00:16:26 deep state and then we have this


@00:19:41 twitter account this person is saying to
@00:23:44 storm don't forget to join me on twitter

false flag

@00:11:47 false flag operation and paola bama


@00:22:10 rough on roger stone and general flynn