deleted Stanley Plotkin, Godfather of vaccines, UNDER OATH! - Part 1/9

from Dustin Nemos



@00:05:39 organization called voices for vaccines
@00:08:32 that vaccines can cause reactions and
@00:08:54 in my vaccines book that the opposite is
@00:09:02 reactions to the vaccines do you have
@00:12:03 their child was injured by vaccines you
@00:16:42 developing vaccines oh yes would you say
@00:18:32 develop vaccines based on rna
@00:19:09 which is a coalition to develop vaccines
@00:22:21 vaccines i do not know
@00:22:57 cdc recommended vaccines on tom do you
@00:23:06 faith to receive all vaccines she has
@00:23:11 recommended vaccines that is my
@00:23:20 vaccines absent any contraindications
@00:23:40 should not actually get these vaccines
@00:23:44 faith should receive the vaccines but
@00:24:05 what vaccines his faith missed according
@00:24:36 vaccines recommended in pre-adolescence
@00:25:20 there are two influenza vaccines one of
@00:27:05 those vaccines we just went to our yes
@00:27:12 vaccines as well
@00:28:04 the vaccines that are recommended by the
@00:28:20 hep b vaccines well i do not try to
@00:29:17 actually one of the road virus vaccines
@00:31:41 at the age at which influenza vaccines
@00:31:58 influenza vaccines not all of which have
@00:32:35 vaccines there's a an australian
@00:35:11 that one meningococcal vaccines are
@00:35:40 manufacturer hpv vaccines
@00:47:27 the development or sale of vaccines of
@00:47:37 vaccines oh
@00:50:20 but i certain allah judges for vaccines
@00:50:54 so you're saying voices vaccines doesn't
@00:51:51 interested in promoting vaccines
@00:55:22 printout from the voices for vaccines
@00:55:50 it says voices for vaccines is an
@00:56:25 vaccines but it does not contribute
@00:56:29 financially and to voices for vaccines
@00:57:59 vaccines i don't see where it says the
@00:58:08 last sentence in 4c voices for vaccines
@00:59:02 represent that voices for vaccines
@00:59:13 the voices for vaccines receives no
@00:59:33 work for voices for vaccines but as far
@00:59:53 vaccines correct it doesn't know your