Protected, Key To Hack, [AWAN] Back In The News, Flynn In Jail, Exactly [30] - Episode 2069b

from X22Report



@00:06:51 it could be durham
@00:12:10 durham because he looked into the fisa

Human trafficking

@00:23:28 country human trafficking drug


@00:16:48 and over and over now in regards to iran
@00:17:06 urging iran not to escalate and using
@00:17:14 in iran remember there's good guys and
@00:17:26 war going on now in iran you see the
@00:23:41 iran in ukraine think about all the


@00:23:28 country human trafficking drug
@00:23:29 trafficking you name it is being stopped


@00:07:11 because we already had the comey report

Deep state

@00:01:30 now the deep state they're floundering
@00:17:18 a deep state going up against patriots
@00:21:04 what did the deep state do they tried
@00:22:54 remove trump remember the deep state

Seth Rich

@00:01:57 he is the key to seth rich we also have


@00:07:07 fisa court
@00:07:16 obtained these fires fisa warrants
@00:07:18 illegally and the fisa court kinda knew
@00:07:48 help with the fisa court now there's an
@00:08:05 january 1st of this year replacing fisa
@00:08:12 the dni released a fisa report written
@00:08:55 essentially a fisa 702 compliance audit
@00:09:12 he outlined an identical set of fisa
@00:09:50 the fisa judges needed to keep allowing
@00:10:04 the fisa judges needed to keep allowing
@00:12:10 durham because he looked into the fisa


@00:00:43 the news flynn in jail exactly 30 now
@00:02:24 flynn will go free in 30 days exactly 30
@00:02:35 was going to affect general flynn but
@00:02:41 flynn to go free
@00:23:54 now and then we have general flynn now
@00:24:14 general flynn he is being sentenced on
@00:25:10 flynn is going to be sentenced on
@00:25:25 evidence to free flynn currently being
@00:25:35 is needed to free flynn is being used so
@00:25:43 have general flynn being sentenced on
@00:26:32 so for flynn to go free this information
@00:27:26 the one with the 27th flynn is going to
@00:28:18 flynn was going to be set free to be set
@00:28:53 flynn free it's time to deep glass and i


@00:06:22 they came out saying that huber found
@00:06:39 baggage but we know that huber he wasn't