FBI Warns Nation-State Cyber Attacks Are Targeting US Gov. & The Private Sector - Episode 970b

from X22Report



@00:17:20 infrastructure china has been hacking in


@00:03:41 map the streets and there's cameras on
@00:03:46 it's some google map truck it just
@00:04:33 google street map truck mapping the


@00:17:30 they've been hacking in iran and they're

North Korea

@00:13:53 and they are blaming north korea for the
@00:14:10 that north korea has the ability to do
@00:17:23 north korea now has been hacking in


@00:14:02 any proof now they don't need the proof
@00:14:16 show proof and also let me just say it

Saudi Arabia

@00:17:56 about saudi arabia and now hamza bin