China's Belt & Road Will Push The Petrodollar To It's Doom - Episode 1280a

from X22Report



@00:11:15 battle is now we see that china russia
@00:12:13 realize that china well they're starting
@00:12:46 china and russia india and other
@00:13:17 continental landmass from south china
@00:13:27 china has put its money where its mouth
@00:13:49 and both china and russia they agree
@00:16:28 many individuals this is why china


@00:13:11 provide a road map which includes a

Deep state

@00:09:03 have the central bank the neocons a deep
@00:09:06 state where they want to keep the system
@00:09:13 deep state the central bankers are
@00:11:45 the deep state the central bank they