Current Economic Collapse News -- News Brief -- Episode 109

from X22Report



@00:03:12 rating agencies now china and i think
@00:03:57 here now china is making a deal with
@00:04:43 that china gave nigeria 1.1 billion
@00:04:48 week and in return china can expect more
@00:08:16 start to gobble up all the gold china
@00:09:26 with china with russia with japan now
@00:10:51 they're doing and china is not convinced
@00:10:56 and how can you assure china how can you
@00:11:04 relationship with china and general qui
@00:11:27 a strong and emerging responsible china
@00:12:02 china doing their exercises near japan
@00:13:17 because russia knows what's coming china
@00:13:28 us know that china has been attacking
@00:15:14 the battle china russia australia india
@00:15:30 they're starting to trade with china
@00:23:48 on china russia syria iran whoever they


@00:04:33 iran and now they want to purchase oil
@00:14:50 syria to move on to iran they need to
@00:19:11 on iran with the stuxnet they were able
@00:20:30 we've seen this and iran to disable a
@00:23:48 on china russia syria iran whoever they

false flag

@00:16:29 false flag event and this could happen
@00:20:40 false flag if all of these other false
@00:24:11 a warning americans s false a next false
@00:24:14 flag as we all know obama signed the new