[9.4] Today's QAnon / Kavanaugh / Rahm Emanuel / Potential False Flag? / Microwave Weapons

from Destroying the Illusion



@00:01:18 question did anthony kennedy have a
@00:01:20 choice meeting justice kennedy who


@00:02:27 succeed late senator john mccain and cue
@00:02:42 are the odds that john mccain quote dies
@00:03:37 twitter saying john mccain was basically

Deep state

@00:00:50 versus the deep state they would
@00:01:10 the deep state would have been fully


@00:03:37 twitter saying john mccain was basically
@00:04:06 tweet about twitter ceo jack dorsey
@00:04:12 twitter does not use political ideology
@00:04:27 twitter denies the current adoption of

false flag

@00:06:45 always a false flag planned when they
@00:06:52 potential false flag very all the


@00:00:54 control scalia was out judge scalia who