deleted Qanon March 20, 2019 - The Battle of Good vs Evil

from prayingmedic



@00:17:16 james comey andrew mccabe devon nunez


@00:21:25 comey and mccain and through the


@00:29:20 camera sex trafficking is real cute some


@00:17:13 got mr. brennan former cia director
@00:21:23 people here you have john brennan and


@00:17:16 james comey andrew mccabe devon nunez
@00:21:25 comey and mccain and through the
@00:30:22 for robert muller and james comey was


@00:22:12 at patriots fight indictments arrests

Deep state

@00:09:42 intended to fake out the deep state when
@00:15:09 is very difficult for the deep state to
@00:15:29 remove the ammunition that the deep
@00:15:31 state has and look i follow q's lead i
@00:15:53 know head fake for the deep state but i
@00:16:04 for the deep state for evil people for
@00:17:03 seven members of the deep state clapper
@00:24:08 desperate the deep state is drawn strike
@00:24:18 take down the deep state made obvious


@00:00:07 20th you take a 12 hours off of twitter
@00:00:15 on twitter
@00:00:55 mistaken account on twitter called vb
@00:04:18 account that i follow on twitter who
@00:08:31 q wrote jack jack dorsey ceo of twitter
@00:12:20 filing a lawsuit against twitter and a
@00:12:58 twitter all right how did kim know
@00:13:04 twitter i don't know all right anthony
@00:13:37 twitter said they're responding to law
@00:17:59 going after twitter first because they
@00:18:07 devin nunez says that twitter allows a
@00:18:18 twitter wants to be in the public square
@00:19:34 starting with twitter well the thing is
@00:20:04 that i'm starting with twitter in these
@00:27:48 on twitter posted a video of the school

false flag

@00:14:13 presented false flag and brackets do you
@00:14:20 come by the last false flag that i

Pizza gate

@00:04:28 was there discussions about pizza gate


@00:22:22 resignations with follow-up criminal


@00:14:28 advertised that john huber us attorney
@00:14:30 huber was going to appear at a hearing