deleted 3 5 19 Dustin Nemos Challenges Ben Shapiro to a Debate! (He had to Push THIS Issue!)

from Dustin Nemos



@00:05:36 indictments coming up thousands of them
@00:05:39 till indictments usually it's a thousand

Deep state

@00:05:10 like the deep state i mean that's
@00:05:16 the bernie's or they're like deep state


@00:01:04 debater however he is pushing vaccines
@00:02:08 you know sem here pushing vaccines yet
@00:02:43 the other side that vaccines are not
@00:03:13 not all vaccines and there is some
@00:03:43 in people the vaccines are one and
@00:06:28 the vaccines things like that there's
@00:08:19 you go and you're curious about vaccines
@00:10:12 destroying children with the vaccines
@00:12:11 child's health without vaccines like