Disney Demons, VA Governor Declares Emergency, Mark Levin Follows Q

from dnajlion7



@00:05:22 of both the cps and foster care industry


@00:08:48 part of a new trade deal with china and
@00:08:58 major deal with china or something he's
@00:09:04 to do with china and then here pelosi is


@00:11:34 epstein traffic girls as recently as
@00:11:42 ag jeffrey epstein trafficked and
@00:12:04 to several epstein accusers epstein kept
@00:12:13 epstein clearly used the virgin islands
@00:12:32 in which mr. epstein was a registered
@00:13:08 epstein had abused but again this is
@00:13:18 epstein was a huge huge moment in which
@00:13:41 epstein my hope and my prayer is that

Human trafficking

@00:03:44 countries in the world for human
@00:03:45 trafficking according to a recent
@00:03:50 victims of human trafficking in 2018 or
@00:03:58 pompeo delivered the trafficking in
@00:04:05 human trafficking in the year prior and
@00:04:13 human trafficking
@00:04:37 investigated human trafficking if
@00:04:50 states institute against human
@00:04:52 trafficking said in an interview with


@00:03:32 report us number one in sex trafficking
@00:03:45 trafficking according to a recent
@00:03:50 victims of human trafficking in 2018 or
@00:03:58 pompeo delivered the trafficking in
@00:04:05 human trafficking in the year prior and
@00:04:13 human trafficking
@00:04:21 that offered services to trafficking
@00:04:37 investigated human trafficking if
@00:04:52 trafficking said in an interview with
@00:09:21 sex trafficking that they're involved in
@00:13:25 trafficking suddenly you know it's like

William Barr

@00:05:44 to show what attorney general bar

Deep state

@00:10:37 use this rally as it means as the deep
@00:10:40 state to spark some sort of civil war
@00:10:48 is all deep state rhetoric this is all
@00:10:51 the deep state trying to put a bad light
@00:11:06 praying about because again the deep
@00:11:08 state according to my military insider
@00:11:10 pete the deep state knows that our
@00:11:12 achilles heel is civil war is the deep
@00:11:16 state trying to take advantage of the
@00:14:03 unrest or civil war that again the deep
@00:14:05 state would try to take advantage of

Mass arrests

@00:13:47 main reason why these mass arrests
@00:13:55 going on so that when these mass arrests

false flag

@00:11:21 civil war through a false flag so we


@00:02:56 himself was a satanic pedophile he had a
@00:03:13 knew he was a pedophile but this is just
@00:15:56 pedophile sight it makes me wonder if


@00:03:53 the united states mexico and the