Nunes Implies IG Report Designed to Make Comey Eligible For Larger Charges!

from Truth and Art TV



@00:11:06 parts being smuggled from china a biden


@00:16:31 connection to jeffrey epstein but now he
@00:16:52 have vital evidence about the epstein


@00:08:48 charges against james comey no kidding
@00:09:04 james comey in the dl j decision not to

Deep state

@00:00:57 the deep state a lot of things have
@00:02:44 effort even that the fake news deep
@00:02:48 state media is attacking him on even
@00:07:24 chamberlain from human events the deep
@00:07:27 state muller gang are finally being
@00:08:01 powell argues that the deep state muller
@00:17:08 the deep state who knows but there it is
@00:17:37 you're being used by the deep state but


@00:12:30 twitter asking them to site which
@00:13:41 question on a twitter threat writing in
@00:13:48 of twitter and he says it is of course


@00:04:22 underground alternative media right well

Inspector General

@00:08:59 that department of justice inspector
@00:09:01 general report on former fbi director
@00:09:12 always remind people that the inspector
@00:09:13 general did not have a lot of power
@00:09:27 good thing about the inspector general


@00:06:56 general flynn has a real fighter on his