In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 3.9.18/2

from In Pursuit of Truth



@00:03:37 in beijing china president never crossed
@00:04:15 forbidden city since modern china
@00:05:32 russia involved in here we've got china


@00:03:27 control iran next hmm
@00:04:41 responding to the queue below iran next


@00:06:43 snowden 24 twitter a b or c we can take

false flag

@00:02:40 this was not a false flag i'm assuming

North Korea

@00:00:40 wow huge north korea will meet with 45
@00:00:51 north korea was well where they were
@00:01:02 north korea pics now remember we
@00:01:35 with north korea's kim jong un by may
@00:01:37 south korea i'm gonna let you handle
@00:03:06 now is north korea