PART I: House Hearing on Inspector General Report (MYE)

from Tracy Beanz



@00:00:22 testimony of horowitz in front of the
@00:05:09 let's listen to horowitz confirming that
@00:06:33 horowitz is a little wishy-washy about
@00:08:18 investigation mr. horowitz did you make
@00:10:05 that horowitz is being targeted i don't
@00:10:46 they don't really care what horowitz is
@00:10:51 are interview or interviewing horowitz
@00:12:07 assertion that mr. horowitz did his
@00:16:46 poor horowitz all he's doing is his job
@00:22:01 i took horowitz his opening statement
@00:25:14 investigation horowitz said well you
@00:25:20 yeah thank you michael horowitz wow he's
@00:26:21 do here is get horowitz to admit on the
@00:26:37 and horowitz this happens over and over
@00:26:40 again and horowitz notices it every time
@00:27:27 horowitz wrote it do you did you guys
@00:31:00 horowitz will say over and over again
@00:32:48 foundation matter because horowitz wants
@00:33:02 horowitz makes it clear that james comey
@00:46:55 been saying horowitz is a good guy for a


@00:33:06 that he was very very upset with mccabe


@00:01:04 justice in the firing of james comey
@00:01:34 report to fire comey this is what the
@00:01:39 by trump to fire comey were these
@00:01:55 the democrats stating how jim comey was
@00:07:21 while director comey properly kept
@00:07:31 call me comey didn't talk about the
@00:07:33 trump russian investigation comey kept
@00:08:21 a finding about why director comey
@00:08:33 comey of course was a lifelong
@00:08:47 bias was comey motivated by bias of
@00:08:55 basically once wanted comey to break the
@00:09:09 about why director comey violated doj
@00:09:19 democrats the election and comey of
@00:10:10 my former boss director comey was a
@00:11:44 that james comey didn't text message
@00:12:29 affiliation of mr. comey but we're not
@00:12:39 mr. comey but we're not gonna count that
@00:22:23 secretary clinton director comey
@00:23:33 for firing james comey so brilliantly
@00:23:39 director comey did apply a double
@00:24:14 james comey exonerated hillary clinton
@00:24:25 comey prejudged or quote rigged the
@00:25:36 director comey resisted acknowledging
@00:26:18 director comey what nadler is trying to
@00:26:26 admit say that james comey didn't
@00:26:50 showed director comey resisted
@00:27:35 quote after years of comey with the
@00:31:52 about comey again and the democrats
@00:32:06 fired comey and that it wasn't an active
@00:32:17 but director comey publicly released
@00:33:02 horowitz makes it clear that james comey
@00:33:09 comey was for leaking about that
@00:36:43 making the case for firing comey making
@00:37:15 long comey signed an nda before he got
@00:37:31 director comey and it was a bipartisan
@00:37:45 question back to back to mr. comey last
@00:39:32 joe comey continues down down the road
@00:41:39 you said the director director comey
@00:42:01 comey violated the norms as you said we
@00:45:37 mr. comey you're looking at fisa


@00:28:07 for the fisa ig report that'll come out
@00:45:37 mr. comey you're looking at fisa
@00:45:41 potential abuse of the fisa court
@00:46:05 particularly in the fisa potential abuse
@00:46:07 of the fisa process
@00:47:06 you look at looking at the fisa
@00:47:08 to the fisa process will you be looking