[3.25] Q: "Justice Will Return" / Avenatti Arrested / Flynn / Parkland & Sandy Hook Suicide

from Destroying the Illusion



@00:11:14 of the sealed indictments in dc so
@00:11:25 sealed criminal indictments on the dc
@00:11:35 indictments calling coming from
@00:11:43 indictments have been added to the
@00:13:52 sealed criminal indictments flynn

William Barr

@00:01:10 that attorney general bar was
@00:03:31 did whittaker and barr retain rod
@00:03:40 summary report submitted a bar yesterday
@00:07:07 william bar wow holy crap

Deep state

@00:04:10 wear a wire to make the deep state make
@00:07:57 deep state more importantly the deep
@00:07:59 state those guys those the cabal members
@00:13:15 the deep state sigh out for them flynn


@00:09:18 twitter handle listen very carefully


@00:15:44 second parkland shooting survivor
@00:15:55 during the parkland shooting both of
@00:16:18 so to parkland shooting survivors died

false flag

@00:16:38 related to these false flag shootings


@00:03:43 rosen stein who signed fraudulent fisa


@00:12:17 relates to lieutenant general flynn
@00:12:22 classified flynn was set up he literally
@00:12:25 said these words on air flynn was set up
@00:12:43 with flynn here this article from
@00:12:50 flynn met with doj lawyers 19 times
@00:13:15 the deep state sigh out for them flynn
@00:13:52 sealed criminal indictments flynn


@00:00:33 resignations and some really suspicious
@00:12:39 resignations and uh other things going
@00:14:41 least bit got some resignations splc