Is "The Greater Israel" Concept Being Used to Fool You? Must Watch!

from Truth and Art TV



@00:08:28 world china plan to rule the world

false flag

@00:11:33 concocted a plan for false flag
@00:17:21 here 9/11 was an israeli zionist false
@00:17:24 flag attack ken o'keefe like they're
@00:20:33 was an israeli zionist false flag attack

Saudi Arabia

@00:10:01 pages and this whole thing with saudi
@00:10:04 arabia and i'm thinking here we go again
@00:10:15 saudi arabia they want their kingdom too
@00:10:24 bed with the bin laden's in the saudi
@00:10:26 arabia and all this stuff you have
@00:10:34 selling weapons to the middle east saudi
@00:10:37 arabia in all these countries anybody
@00:29:05 in the middle east you got turkey saudi
@00:29:07 arabia all these cuts you know isis