False Flags Galore for the Whores of War

from Destroying the Illusion


false flag

@00:00:15 the false flag attacks that have been
@00:00:26 their sacrificial false flag attacks ok
@00:00:40 we very much did have a false flag
@00:00:57 we've had a couple false flag attacks
@00:01:19 false flag attack pulled in russia right
@00:01:33 was a false flag attack on march 31st
@00:01:53 another false flag attack on 44 remember
@00:02:07 instantly showed this to be a false flag
@00:03:47 false flag attacks that may be coming up
@00:04:20 of these false flag attacks that happen
@00:04:33 false flag occurs so it's very easy for