Q ANON: Latest New Posts..."Target Subjects Are Scouted"
from JustInformed Talk ™️
uploaded on Feb 16, 2018
@00:28:16 damage can ruff china do two dems iran
William Barr
@00:30:10 go to the search bar here type just
North Korea
@00:28:18 north korea why does hussein travel
@00:12:47 it's presented on the project mkultra
@00:16:42 project mkultra agency sourcing it and
@00:16:51 ongoing project mkultra the experiments
@00:17:17 from 1957 in 1964 to carry out mkultra
@00:18:36 from 1980 about mkultra and it talks
@00:20:52 mcgill daily article which says mkultra
@00:21:05 mkultra experiments and how many people
@00:22:04 is the mkultra and then cue response was
@00:26:00 mkultra was this an ant on posting he
@00:26:02 says mkultra was a success and went into
@00:26:07 called mkultra that was development
@00:26:48 i mean mkultra is it big pharma now was
Saudi Arabia
@00:28:05 why is potus focused on saudi arabia