False Flag Civil War in Virginia, Bethel Attempting to Raise Girl From the Dead, Bill Gates Vaccines

from dnajlion7



@00:05:18 desperate to stop bar and durham right
@00:12:00 of the durham and barr investigations


@00:11:47 effects epstein effects will bring him

Bill Gates

@00:09:49 to talk a little bit more about bill
@00:09:50 gates i talked about a couple days ago
@00:09:53 how bill gates is such a hypocrite he
@00:10:03 children well here bill bates bill gates
@00:10:44 administer the vaccines bill gates is
@00:10:50 this technology be developed and as bill
@00:10:52 a melinda gates foundation funded the
@00:11:39 so again bill beck gates continued to

William Barr

@00:03:10 this even the build bar has said in an
@00:05:18 desperate to stop bar and durham right
@00:12:00 of the durham and barr investigations

Deep state

@00:01:18 be thinking but deep state democrats are
@00:02:24 national guard but what the way the deep
@00:02:28 state works is they would try to put
@00:03:51 against any attempts of the deep state
@00:03:57 would really be nothing but a deep state
@00:04:12 being used by the deep state henchmen in


@00:09:56 advocates and advances vaccines which i
@00:10:44 administer the vaccines bill gates is

Mass arrests

@00:03:06 from continuing forward with the mass
@00:03:08 arrests which are coming and we know

false flag

@00:01:28 next false flag they have all but lost
@00:01:54 a false flag attack and not that any one
@00:02:51 were trying to start this you know false
@00:02:52 flag so that's a very very real
@00:04:07 that there is no false flag that is


@00:04:45 collapsing the elite pedophile ring will
@00:05:29 these pedophile rings hallelujah i