While No One Was Looking The US Just Setup An Exclusion Zone In Northern Syria - Episode 1056b

from X22Report



@00:06:29 why they're so involved is because china
@00:09:32 to calm it down china does the same


@00:05:56 then end up in iran and as we can see
@00:12:14 iran to okay a huge power deal and this
@00:12:35 is making deals with iran making deals
@00:14:03 before where iran said ok the islamic
@00:14:32 to russia and iran they are actually
@00:18:50 iran the state department says us
@00:18:55 iran and this replaces the travel

false flag

@00:07:54 know that was a complete false flag

North Korea

@00:07:06 is continually provoking north korea the
@00:07:32 north korea to provoke provoke provoke
@00:07:35 they want north korea to do something
@00:07:37 north korea is the wild card they're
@00:07:46 they're telling everyone that north
@00:07:49 korea hacked into sony pictures and we


@00:09:03 in canada and in mexico how would the

Saudi Arabia

@00:11:14 the united states through saudi arabia