Why Is The U.S. State Department Shipping Explosives To Unknown Locations ? - Episode 364

from X22Report



@00:13:04 places ago china russia a direct threat
@00:21:14 russia and china at this time russia and
@00:21:16 china are finally ready to sign this
@00:21:27 gas to china that has been ten years in
@00:21:33 signature now down in africa china is
@00:22:03 bank of china will provide ninety
@00:22:08 china is taking the us dollars bringing
@00:22:17 china is that's where the united states
@00:22:36 this us dollar but china has been making
@00:22:59 building china is down there


@00:31:13 fbi director james comey is out there

false flag

@00:01:48 attack false flag events again to make
@00:29:24 this is why we see the false flag events
@00:33:54 manipulate and create a false flag event
@00:35:48 false flag event to say look this
@00:36:00 this whole entire false flag event

Saudi Arabia

@00:28:26 saudi arabia was sending in paid