Warning: Two Weeks To Prepare For A Possible Cyber Attack On Bank Accounts - Episode 381

from X22Report



@00:04:35 renminbi china is out there making deals
@00:04:47 china and china is continually doing
@00:05:03 world encircling russia and china and
@00:06:18 see china we see russia and other
@00:08:11 right now now russia and china like we
@00:08:19 russia and china have agreed to set up a
@00:08:58 railways and china railway
@00:10:04 central banks russia and china are
@00:10:15 earlier this year estimated that china
@00:10:27 china and south africa and long been
@00:19:56 out there saying that china poses a huge
@00:20:23 they've been circling china bringing in
@00:20:34 sorry containing china and also we have
@00:21:06 facing north korea and china and they
@00:21:15 china at this time and there's also a
@00:21:36 nuclear attack against russia and china


@00:30:01 now iran is backing the syrian election


@00:28:15 to twitter and youtube and block them

false flag

@00:27:38 try to stage this false flag event and
@00:28:10 move into syria this was a false flag

North Korea

@00:21:03 south korea guam and japan they're all
@00:21:06 facing north korea and china and they


@00:33:29 and we see proof that they are willing