Q- "Today Evil Lost Control ... Suicide Watch"

from Truth and Art TV



@00:02:42 even no name right here yeah john mccain

Human trafficking

@00:13:30 wow human trafficking pedophilia


@00:09:31 iran and turning against the trump storm
@00:09:48 iran i told people that and there you go
@00:09:58 iran everyone should know by now think
@00:10:02 big day trump ending the iran nuclear
@00:10:10 was relying on this iran nuclear deal
@00:10:32 iran and other syria right you know that
@00:11:07 iran nuclear deal
@00:11:37 potus took control of iran and when it's
@00:11:39 all over the people of iran who trump
@00:12:08 because now that they lost iran this big
@00:12:13 iran deal that cuing on has been talking
@00:12:24 sighting with iran they're not seeing
@00:12:28 that how deeply iran was involved in
@00:12:36 cash going straight to iran as we have
@00:12:41 says the deal kept iran quiet the goal
@00:15:44 now that the iran deal has been


@00:13:30 wow human trafficking pedophilia


@00:05:12 just sessions and if that's not enough
@00:05:21 sessions with contempt over russia
@00:06:05 believe they know why jeff sessions is
@00:06:22 stormed warriors in this case sessions

Deep state

@00:06:33 they're playing a game on the deep state
@00:07:39 about for months that these deep state
@00:10:07 world order and to the deep state who
@00:10:25 and nuclear material going to these deep
@00:10:28 state operations we had north korea and
@00:10:34 it's all falling apart for the deep
@00:10:36 state now so there it is trump making
@00:11:59 against the deep state and suicide watch
@00:12:05 the deep state will be on suicide watch
@00:12:31 this deep state obama administration
@00:15:35 you've got hillary and the deep state
@00:16:14 deep state showing you the model of


@00:04:14 rebels the underground truthers or


@00:04:56 crimes involving bias and fisa abuse at

North Korea

@00:10:28 state operations we had north korea and

Five Eyes

@00:14:18 five eyes well let's see they are my
@00:14:26 five eyes this intelligence group of
@00:14:34 these five eyes countries have the
@00:14:52 this on fox news saying that the five
@00:14:55 eyes country's is the evidence so no one


@00:01:19 proof of this long is proof of this