Islamic State Provokes Obama To Send In U.S. Ground Forces - Episode 520

from X22Report



@00:25:53 john kennedy with 911 with embalming


@00:06:15 or china cyber attacking the power grid
@00:08:43 non-stop now china right now is ready to
@00:09:04 one of the major economic reforms china
@00:09:11 now china has also signed the deal with
@00:09:14 australia china and australia have
@00:09:29 china will get greater access to
@00:09:33 ministers from china and australia
@00:09:59 exports china will not incur tariffs
@00:10:10 china is continually making deals all
@00:21:52 china we see that type of propaganda
@00:34:37 russia they don't want one with china
@00:39:01 been china or russia but they have no
@00:39:07 think yes it is russia and china and
@00:39:16 realizes that it is coming from china or


@00:34:33 coalition and that would be iran and

false flag

@00:04:15 false flag event to convince us that the
@00:27:31 use a false flag and blame it on them so

North Korea

@00:21:00 in the north korea leader jim jong un's
@00:21:38 demonize north korea and russia about
@00:21:47 every time north korea does something or


@00:39:03 proof out there but they like to throw