The Deep State Pushes For A Major Conflict By Attacking - Episode 1495b

from X22Report



@00:07:05 gave moscow a road map they see fit for

Deep state

@00:01:03 episode is the deep state pushes for a
@00:01:52 in around the deep state and they're
@00:05:08 regime change the deep state they're
@00:05:50 afghanistan which really put the deep
@00:05:54 state in a corner here and moscow right
@00:07:42 problem once again for the deep state
@00:08:36 likely a deep state trying to kick
@00:10:53 war and this is exactly what the deep
@00:10:56 state wants to do they're trying to push
@00:11:35 is why israel and part of the deep state
@00:13:16 was created by the deep state to push a
@00:14:10 with the deep state and mostly the
@00:15:35 gonna see the deep state pushing their


@00:03:58 now with the fisa memo it looks like the
@00:04:37 see trump declassified the fisa memo let

North Korea

@00:07:43 another problem is north korea we have
@00:07:46 the olympics going on right now north
@00:07:50 korea has joined in on the olympics and
@00:07:52 the north korean leader kim jong-un now
@00:07:58 president of south korea up to north
@00:08:01 korea to visit with him they're starting
@00:08:21 saying oh it's north korean oh it's
@00:08:27 korea kind of shut down the false
@00:08:29 allegations about russia and north korea
@00:08:56 they're afraid of north korea launching
@00:14:33 attacks have started in north korea we
@00:15:07 russia they're putting in on north korea