The End Is Near, The War Will Cover Up The Collapse -- Episode 144

from X22Report



@00:12:11 countries making deals with china and
@00:12:14 russia to bypass the us dollar china
@00:18:46 china are backing syria and if the u.s.
@00:18:56 going to get involved china is going to


@00:11:23 the grand prize iran to make them a
@00:12:18 russia north korea iran syria australia

false flag

@00:01:03 this is a false flag before i get into
@00:25:06 perfect false flag because all the news
@00:31:09 is a complete false flag and what their


@00:17:11 cencom which is a base underground which

Inspector General

@00:10:35 profitable and now the inspector general

North Korea

@00:12:18 russia north korea iran syria australia

Saudi Arabia

@00:11:45 tunisia in in saudi arabia they're all