Is This Beginning Of The End Of The Central Bank Currency System - Episode 1712a

from X22Report



@00:02:54 making deals with china and they're
@00:09:06 looking at china and russia to basically
@00:09:12 towards russia and china and they've
@00:11:25 china than we do with the united states
@00:12:27 around because of russia and china it
@00:12:32 china and saudi arabia linking together

Deep state

@00:01:34 just getting rid of the deep state the

Saudi Arabia

@00:02:19 oil now saudi arabia they were the
@00:02:25 lebanon and things like that but saudi
@00:02:27 arabia they were the main focus and we
@00:02:46 is that saudi arabia they're talking
@00:08:17 now but coming out of saudi arabia which
@00:08:25 saudi arabia's top government funded
@00:09:03 think what really saudi arabia is doing
@00:09:53 because of a clout that saudi arabia and
@00:10:01 if saudi arabia moves away from the
@00:10:14 saudi arabia they went ahead and they
@00:12:12 this is huge right now that saudi arabia
@00:12:19 the last time you heard saudi arabia say
@00:12:32 china and saudi arabia linking together