January 10 2019 News Update

from prayingmedic



@00:05:05 of china a couple days ago and
@00:06:02 he said he finds china to be in many


@00:08:08 today on iran on the fact that iran is

William Barr

@00:03:41 barr who is the man that trump has
@00:03:50 found out that barr is a friend of
@00:04:13 robert muller and bar if you're in a
@00:04:28 just because muller and bar have some i
@00:04:30 mean you know bar was a former attorney
@00:04:45 is happening with bar i trust trump
@00:04:55 chose bar he knows things that we don't

Deep state

@00:04:02 he's a deep state plant this is terrible


@00:12:54 trolling jim acosta on twitter when

Ruth Bader Ginsburg

@00:10:24 supreme court justice to replace ruth
@00:10:27 bader ginsburg feeling that her

Inspector General

@00:06:57 inspector general report that has
@00:07:55 inspector general and some legal people


@00:17:02 down there in mexico it's one reason we