TRUreporting LIVE STREAM 9-26USE -18

from TRUreporting


Human trafficking

@00:18:59 yeah human trafficking and i'm ship has


@00:20:36 rbg is dead absolutely every time i post


@00:18:59 yeah human trafficking and i'm ship has

William Barr

@00:24:59 yeah whittaker and bar are going to be


@00:09:46 be all over twitter guys i'm sure it
@00:11:36 you have twitter and you have not if you
@00:11:55 follow me on twitter if you have not
@00:11:57 already if you have twitter follow me at
@00:12:04 thank you crew chief to go to my twitter
@00:28:24 if you want to follow me on twitter it's

Ruth Bader Ginsburg

@00:19:47 guys yeah this is going to ruth bader
@00:19:51 ginsburg i talk about that in my latest