January 4, 2018 Update - North Korea, Iran & Sessions Changes Marijuana Enforcement

from prayingmedic



@00:24:21 posts are there the q map is there


@00:04:43 it's looking good going to iran protests
@00:05:00 iran i was noticing this this morning
@00:06:53 iran that's all they're talking about
@00:07:02 all focused on iran trump in the media
@00:07:22 to him which is iran and he doesn't want
@00:07:28 wants the media as far away from iran as
@00:07:32 looking into iran or what we're doing


@00:11:45 sessions is going to rescind the obama
@00:13:01 ask yourself is who is jeff sessions
@00:13:03 jeff sessions is the attorney general he
@00:13:09 the country jeff sessions is not an
@00:13:17 sessions cannot be an advocate for
@00:13:22 sessions is a cop he is the top law
@00:15:18 wasn't fairly applied and sessions is
@00:20:57 law made marijuana legal jeff sessions

Deep state

@00:10:52 deep state update devin nunez last night


@00:06:35 go to mike pence's twitter timeline

North Korea

@00:02:15 north korea i don't know i have this
@00:02:20 i just leave north korea at the top
@00:02:25 stabilize at north korea it's the thing
@00:02:51 would be going on between north and
@00:02:53 south korea right now if i wasn't firm
@00:02:59 might against the north fools but talks
@00:03:11 negotiations with north korea through
@00:03:34 leverage over north korea and that was
@00:03:40 war games in south korea with japan and
@00:03:51 makes north korea very nervous and it