3.20 - Podesta to Guantanamo?/Facebook Imploding/Rothschilds hit Mainstream!

from Destroying the Illusion


Deep state

@00:07:27 because the deep state trying to break
@00:12:23 sick twisted deep state running the


@00:03:55 twitter shout-out to anti school but the
@00:07:52 tonight go follow me on twitter and i'll
@00:08:37 twitter and facebook and steam it and

false flag

@00:02:23 you know maybe this was a botched false
@00:02:26 flag operation or something of that

Saudi Arabia

@00:04:26 shouldn't purge in saudi arabia at the
@00:04:46 that led that corruption virgin saudi
@00:04:48 arabia so you know it looks like that